Monday, June 30, 2008

first iron

I got to the Shed this morning at 6:30 to commence operation 'Don't Puke' - don't know what was going on with me but trying not to yak took all my concentration. And this is odd because ordinarily I would love to be able to say I worked it so hard I hurled. When the time finally comes though, it doesn't feel so good. Nausea is not inspiring.

Tried something a little different. Sets on the 2:00, although a few intervals between exercises I pushed out to 3:00 because setting up seemed particularly involved today. For example, setting up for super sets, two bars with weight and adjusting the bench, takes some time. Anyways, the thinking was I would go through my key chest and shoulder lifts (bench, incline and shoulder press) fast before moving on to arms, for which today was the focus, then finish with abdominals. Yes, abdominals. And yes, I know that's my stomach. I hate abdominal exercises, never do them, but I've had it with my belly. It sticks out way far and looks funny. I'm pretty lean right now and in good condition for being me, you can even see stomach muscles, but it just sticks out. Maybe there's nothing that can be done but I thought I'd try. On the list of exercises I never do, abdominal stuff is at the top.

the numbers:

  • bench press
    • 1 x 12 @ 135 lbs on 2:00
      • feet up
    • 1 x 12 @ 155 on 2:00
      • feet up
    • 1 x 12 @ 175 on 2:00
      • feet down
      • felt good - this is kind of a chunk of change for me for sets on 2:00.
  • incline bench
    • 1 x 12 @ 95 on 2:00
    • 1 x 12 @ 115 on 2:00
    • 1 x 12 @ 135 on 2:00
  • behind-the-neck shoulder press
    • 1 x 12 @ 55 on 2:00
    • 1 x 12 @ 75 on 2:00
    • 1 x 9 @ 95 on 2:00
  • arms super set - skull crushers w/ the bench bar & standing curls w/ the french curl bar
    • skull crushers
      • 1 x 12 @ 55 on 1:00
    • curls
      • 1 x 12 @ 50 (I think the bar is 10 lbs anyway) on 1:00
    • skull crushers
      • 1 x 12 @ 65 on 1:00
    • curls
      • 1 x 12 @ 50 on 1:00
    • skull crushers
      • 1 x 12 @ 65 on 1:00
    • curls
      • 1 x 12 @ 60 on 1:00
    • skull crushers
      • 1 x 12 @ 75 on 1:00
    • curls
      • 1 x 12 @ 60 on 1:00
    • skull crushers
      • 1 x 12 @ 75 on 1:00
    • curls
      • 1 x 12 @ 60 on 1:00
  • dips
    • 1 x 16 on 2:00
    • 2 x 20 on 2:00
  • reverse crunches
    • 3 x 12 on 2:00
      • I thought my stomach muscles might explode out of my body. A major cramp here felt imminent.
  • hanging crunches
    • 1 x 12 on 2:00
    • 1 x 10 on 2:00
    • 1 x 12 on 2:00
      • Again, cramping imminent.

Sunday swim

I meant to do a real routine today, a 1000m with short fins, but opted to wuss out instead. I just was not feeling it. After a 300m warm up in the long course I started the 1000, only to bail out after 250m. Inspiring, I know. So instead of a workout I slowed things down, did some kick work with the long fins for 300 or 400m, eventually working up to no-breath 50s streamline. This was fun. 50s with the long fins are rad. Curious about my current long course pace I timed myself on a 100m free - 1:35. Improved.

Friday, June 27, 2008

first water

Rowdy Gaines appeared on my TV yesterday to talk about his gold medal performance in the 100m freestyle at the '84 Olympic Games. Rad. Though I won't be competing at Beijing this year I get psyched hearing about these Olympians, their training and competitive drive. And with that thought I went to the UCSB pool this morning. Rowdy would not have been impressed, though this is a substantial improvement for me. 200s on the 5 minute, my longest sets to date, had me coming in just over 3:00 and breathing like a football fan.

  • warm up
    • 2 x 100 free
  • 5 x 200 free @ 5:00
    • Coming in between 3:00 - 3:05.
  • 8 x 25 free kick
  • 8 x 25 fly kick w/ short fins, no breathe
Being in the water, especially first thing of the day, is ultra rad. Why I ever stopped swimming is beyond my comprehension.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

first iron

While watching the U.S. women's gymnastics Olympic trials last night I realized I suck. Shawn Johnson, for comparison, does not suck. She's physically a specimen and a monstrous competitor. And if you just looked at her face you would think she is a sweet little high school girl. She is a predator posing as a house pet and she's rad. So, this morning I tried to be ferocious like Shawn. I don't know that I achieved ferociousness but I certainly was inspired.

The numbers:

  • DB bench press
    • 1 x 12 @ 65 lbs on 2:00
    • 1 x 12 @ 70 on 2:00
    • 1 x 12 @ 75 on 2:00
  • cable flys
    • 2 x 12 @ 40 on 2:00
    • 1 x 12 @ 45 on 2:00
  • seated DB shoulder press
    • 1 x 12 @ 30 on 2:00
    • 1 x 12 @ 35 on 2:00
    • 1 x 12 @ 40 on 2:00
  • later DB shoulder raises
    • 2 x 12 @ 15 on 2:00
    • 1 x 12 @ 20 on 2:00
  • preacher curls
    • 1 x 12 @ 65 (assuming 25 lb bar) on 2:00
    • 1 x 12 @ 85 on 2:00
    • 1 x 12 @ 75 on 2:00
  • skull crushers
    • 1 x 12 @ 75 (assuming 25 lb bar) on 2:00
    • 1 x 12 @ 85 on 2:00
    • 1 x 11 @ 85 on 2:00
  • triceps cable press downs
    • 2 x 10 @ 55 on 2:00
    • 1 x 12 @ 40 on 2:00
Did some restorative shoulder cuff exercises at the end. And lots of stretching.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

first water

Had a good swim this morning. I would have liked to get in a long course lane but in the interest of avoiding a confrontation I opted for the kiddie pool. My lungs feel a little stiff the past couple days, I guess from Sunday's swim session. Today felt much better than Sunday though. Short course times are much quicker and the workouts less intense, I feel. For example, Sunday's 10 x 100s had me coming in between 1:40 and 1:50. This morning's same set put my 100 times between 1:20 and 1:25. Sunday I couldn't even finish the set without fins for the last half. Today I did it all. And it was hard.

  • 1 x 100 free
  • 10 x 100 free @ 3:00
  • 20 x 25 free kick
For the last kick sets I used short fins, streamline position and focused on reducing breaths. The last few lengths I wasn't breathing at all, felt rad.

Monday, June 23, 2008

first iron

I changed things up a bit today. Rather than 5 sets of an exercise I did 3 and did 7 instead of 4 separate exercises in a comparable amount of time. Again, on the 2:00.

  • bench press
    • 1 x 12 @ 155 lbs on 2:00
    • 1 x 12 @ 165 on 2:00
    • 1 x 9 @ 165 on 2:00
      • Massive failure, had to throw the weight in to the "emergency stops", as I call them. Got to watch 165 lbs fly at my face though. Rad.
  • incline bench press
    • 2 x 10 @ 115 on 2:00
    • 1 x 12 @ 115 on 2:00
  • DB flys
    • 3 x 12 @ 25 on 2:00
      • Light weight, good stretch. I like finishing chest workouts with this exercise.
  • behind-the-neck press
    • 1 x 12 @ 65 on 2:00
    • 1 x 12 @ 75 on 2:00
    • 1 x 12 @ 65 on 2:00
  • arms super set - standing overhead triceps extensions & standing biceps curls, both with french curl bar
    • 0:00
      • tri's - 1 x 12 @ 65 lbs (assuming a 25 lb bar) @ 0:00
      • bi's - 1 x 12 @ 65 @ 1:00
    • 2:00
      • tri's - 1 x 12 @ 65 @ 2:00
      • bi's - 1 x 12 @ 65 @ 3:00
    • 4:00
      • tri's - 1 x 12 @ 55 @ 4:00
      • bi's - 1 x 12 @ 55 @ 5:00
  • triceps cable press down w/ rope
    • 1 x 12 @ 75 on 2:00
    • 1 x 12 @ 80 on 2:00
    • 1 x 12 @ 85 on 2:00
  • incline seated DB curls
    • 3 x 12 @ 25 on 2:00

Finished up with some shoulder & chest stretches and my rotator cuff exercises.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

water, not first

I went swimming with Micah and Bridget today. It was, of course, rad. Got a late start, 1:00 PM, due in part to a late night, and it's Sunday. If you don't like chicks smoking you in the pool, don't take 10 years off and don't swim with Bridget. She's fast. I did, however, swim a mile today. That was a goal. And I swam long course, the 50m UCSB pool. 100s long course kicked my ass. I was struggling through the 10 x 100, STRU-GLED. Then Micah and I did some breath hold work in the 17ft dive tank. To my pleasant surprise I worked my feeble lungs up to 65 second static holds. Micah had a couple 2 minute dives. On what was maybe his first real attempt at static apnea this is awesome.
Here's the numbers:

  • warm up
    • 100 free
  • 10 x 100 @ 3:00 free
    • First 5 were hard, real hard. Breathing was labored, real labored. I was coming in between 1:40 and 1:50.
    • Second 5 I used fins, shorty swim fins that is. These were fun and I think the extra speed is good training for form. I concentrated on stretching out my pull, smoothing out my streamline.
  • 100 breast
    • Got cramps in both quads. Had to stop halfway back.
  • 4 x 100 dolphin kick drills
Today is for you, Bob. Though not undeniably heterosexual this is clearly an improvement.

Friday, June 20, 2008

first water

Day 2 of my new swimming routine. Or, I should say, my revived swimming routine. The UCSB pool was kinda crowded today. Odd because Tuesday morning it was almost empty. Maybe everyone's doing the Monday/Wednesday/Friday thing. Anyways, I felt a little better today. Probably I'll see improvements daily for the first couple of months. I should. I frickin' suck right now. For instance, here's what I did:

  • 10 x 50 free @ 2:00
  • 1 x 50 free kick w/ kickboard
  • 1 x 50 breast kick w/ kickboard
  • 1 x 50 breaststroke
That's a total 650 yards. Sad. And yes, that's 50s on the two minute. I remember doing 50 50s on the :50 in high school. If I could see me now. I'd kick my own ass. Whatever, I almost died this year. And I'm going to keep using that excuse for the rest of the year. Maybe longer. That's what you get to do when you almost die. Sort of like a reward to compensate for all the misery you endured. What? You didn't almost almost die this year? You better get out there and crank, dude. No excuses.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

first iron

First iron at GVAC. Went fast, felt good, was sweating hard (unusual). Focused on really hitting my chest, shoulders and triceps. Looked for the pain, found it, sorta went through it. I always think I could have done better but today hurt good.

  • dumbbell bench press
    • 5 x 12 @ 65 lbs on the 2:00, feet up
  • dumbbell flys
    • 5 x 12 @ 25 on the 2:00, feet up
  • dumbbell seated shoulder press
    • 2 x 12 @ 30 on the 2:00
    • 3 x 12 @ 35 on the 2:00
  • cable press-downs
    • 2 x 12 @ 40 on the 2:00
    • 1 x 12 @ 55 on the 2:00
    • 2 x 10 @ 55 on the 2:00

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

swimming is good stuff

I swam this morning. Loved it. Something about being in the water is rad. At the risk of sounding unmanly I feel I should have been born an otter or something. Something that swims around a lot like maybe a seal. Anyways, getting in and cranking out some laps felt really natural, like it hasn't been 10 years since I've done that. On the fitness end, however, things did not feel so smooth. One lap is about my limit. I did a 4 x 50 that killed me. Impressive, I know. This was at the UCSB pool. There's tons of space, like 12 long course lanes and 12 short course, with not a lot of people. The folks who show up at 6:30 AM are not sucky swimmers though. Unlike myself. There is no doubt I am leagues suckier than them which only adds to my frustration. In summary, swimming is great, I love it, I plan to do much more of it, probably incorporate it in to my training regimen, but I suck at it right now.

Monday, June 16, 2008

first iron at the Shed

Morning workouts at the Shed are extra fun. Just me and the weights. Hit chest, shoulders and triceps today. Felt OK.

  • bench press
    • 4 x 12 @ 155 lbs on the 2:00
      • Fourth set was real hard.
    • 1 x 6 @ 155 on the 2:00
      • Yeah, that's how hard the fourth was. Total failure on the fifth set.
  • behind-the-neck press
    • 5 x 12 @ 65 on the 2:00
      • 65 lbs sounds way light, I know. I was spent after benching, so this actually was an alright weight.
  • skull crushers
    • 1 x 12 @ 55 on the 2:00
    • 1 x 12 @ 65 on the 2:00
    • 2 x 12 @ 75 on the 2:00
    • 1 x 10 @ 85 on the 2:00
  • dips
    • 1 x 14 on the 2:00
Going fast like this, on two minute splits, kills me. My triceps were spent. These recent routines are more focused on my arms, as this allows me to avoid the weight gain associated with lifting large muscle groups like my chest and back. Going fast and keeping the weights light also helps.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

GVAC first iron

Ahhh, another Thursday, another shoulder routine.

  • DB bench press
    • 1 x 12 @ 60 lbs on the 2:00
    • 3 x 12 @ 65 on the 2:00
    • 1 x 9 @ 65 on the 2:00
      • failure
  • DB flys
    • 5 x 12 @ 25 on the 2:00
  • seated DB shoulder press
    • 1 x 12 @ 20 on the 2:00
    • 1 x 12 @ 25 on the 2:00
    • 2 x 12 @ 30 on the 2:00
    • 1 x 12 @ 35 on the 2:00
  • dips
    • 5 x 12 @ 2:00
      • super easy
This was the first day in a long time I've drastically changed my Thursday routine. And it went really well - Monday was barbell bench, today I benched with dumbbells. Same thing with shoulder press. DB flys were a little light so I focused on the stretch, real slow. Then finished with some dips. Which felt super strong, sets of 12 on the 2:00 was too easy. My chest was visibly way pumped, looked like tits. Rad.

Monday, June 9, 2008

GVAC first iron

I mixed things up a little today. Still did sets on the 2:00 but focused more on triceps lifts. Things went well, my tri's were spent.

  • bench press
    • 1 x 12 @ 135 lbs on the 2:00
    • 2 x 12 @ 155 on the 2:00
    • 1 x 9 @ 155 on the 2:00
    • 1 x 8 @ 155 on the 2:00
      • This got hard. Last 2 sets were to failure. 155 may be a good weight for next time though.
  • behind-the-neck shoulder press
    • 1 x 12 @ 65 lbs on the 2:00
    • 1 x 12 @ 75 on the 2:00
    • 1 x 9 @ 75 on the 2:00
    • 2 x 12 @ 65 on the 2:00
      • I must have been extra spent from benching. This was not a lot of weight but felt real hard. The last 2 sets I bumped down the weight and went slow. Good shoulder burn.
  • skull crushers
    • 1 x 12 @ 45 lbs on the 2:00 (assuming the french-curl bar is 25 lbs, I think it is)
    • 1 x 12 @ 55 on the 2:00
    • 3 x 12 @ 65 on the 2:00
      • Easy. Went slow, really hit my tri's.
  • cable press-downs w/ rope
    • 5 x 12 @ 40 lbs on the 2:00
      • Kinda easy. Really felt this in my tri's though.
I'm thinking a shift of focus from big lifts to arm workouts will positively affect my weight. That is, I will lose some. I weighed 183 lbs, dressed, this morning at the gym. That's not a size that's conducive to efficient climbing.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

GVAC first iron

Felt alright. Lifted light chest and shoulders on the 2:00. Did 2 sets on bench but 5 on DB flys, which felt really good. Good stretch with a light weight.

  • warm-up
    • bench press
      • 2 x 12 @ 135 lbs on the 2:00
    • DB flys
      • 1 x 12 @ 25 lbs on the 2:00
      • 4 x 12 @ 30 on the 2:00
        • pretty easy. Good stretch
  • work sets
    • behind-the-neck press
      • 1 x 12 @ 45 on the 2:00
      • 1 x 12 @ 65 on the 2:00
      • 1 x 12 @ 85 on the 2:00
      • 1 x 10 @ 85 on the 2:00
      • 1 x 8 @ 85 on the 2:00
        • too heavy, maybe.
    • Arnold press
      • 1 x 9 @ 30 on the 2:00
      • 3 x 12 @ 25 on the 2:00
      • 1 x 12 @ 30 on the 2:00
        • should have stuck with 30 lbs
    • front raises
      • 5 x 12 @ 12.5 on the 2:00

Monday, June 2, 2008

first shed

Lifted chest this morning at the shed. Went fast - lifts on the 2:00 for 40 minutes. Included dips at the end this time.

  • bench press
    • 5 x 12 @ 145 lbs on the 2:00
  • close-grip bench press
    • 4 x 12 @ 125 on the 2:00
    • 1 x 10 @ 125 on the 2:00
      • failed the last 2 reps
  • incline bench press
    • 5 x 12 @ 105 on the 2:00
  • dips
    • 5 x 8 on the 2:00
      • easy
The first 30 minutes were brutal, throughout bench, CG bench and incline. Couldn't concentrate comfortably on form cuz I was just trying to get through the thing. Good workout, I'm liking the timed intervals.