I got to the Shed this morning at 6:30 to commence operation 'Don't Puke' - don't know what was going on with me but trying not to yak took all my concentration. And this is odd because ordinarily I would love to be able to say I worked it so hard I hurled. When the time finally comes though, it doesn't feel so good. Nausea is not inspiring.
Tried something a little different. Sets on the 2:00, although a few intervals between exercises I pushed out to 3:00 because setting up seemed particularly involved today. For example, setting up for super sets, two bars with weight and adjusting the bench, takes some time. Anyways, the thinking was I would go through my key chest and shoulder lifts (bench, incline and shoulder press) fast before moving on to arms, for which today was the focus, then finish with abdominals. Yes, abdominals. And yes, I know that's my stomach. I hate abdominal exercises, never do them, but I've had it with my belly. It sticks out way far and looks funny. I'm pretty lean right now and in good condition for being me, you can even see stomach muscles, but it just sticks out. Maybe there's nothing that can be done but I thought I'd try. On the list of exercises I never do, abdominal stuff is at the top.
the numbers:
- bench press
- 1 x 12 @ 135 lbs on 2:00
- feet up
- 1 x 12 @ 155 on 2:00
- feet up
- 1 x 12 @ 175 on 2:00
- feet down
- felt good - this is kind of a chunk of change for me for sets on 2:00.
- incline bench
- 1 x 12 @ 95 on 2:00
- 1 x 12 @ 115 on 2:00
- 1 x 12 @ 135 on 2:00
- behind-the-neck shoulder press
- 1 x 12 @ 55 on 2:00
- 1 x 12 @ 75 on 2:00
- 1 x 9 @ 95 on 2:00
- arms super set - skull crushers w/ the bench bar & standing curls w/ the french curl bar
- skull crushers
- 1 x 12 @ 55 on 1:00
- curls
- 1 x 12 @ 50 (I think the bar is 10 lbs anyway) on 1:00
- skull crushers
- 1 x 12 @ 65 on 1:00
- curls
- 1 x 12 @ 50 on 1:00
- skull crushers
- 1 x 12 @ 65 on 1:00
- curls
- 1 x 12 @ 60 on 1:00
- skull crushers
- 1 x 12 @ 75 on 1:00
- curls
- 1 x 12 @ 60 on 1:00
- skull crushers
- 1 x 12 @ 75 on 1:00
- curls
- 1 x 12 @ 60 on 1:00
- dips
- 1 x 16 on 2:00
- 2 x 20 on 2:00
- reverse crunches
- 3 x 12 on 2:00
- I thought my stomach muscles might explode out of my body. A major cramp here felt imminent.
- hanging crunches
- 1 x 12 on 2:00
- 1 x 10 on 2:00
- 1 x 12 on 2:00
- Again, cramping imminent.
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